United Nations - Request for Inputs to 10th session of the General Assembly’s Open-ended Working Group on Ageing |
On behalf of His Excellency Mr. Martín García Moritán, Chair, Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing
Dear colleagues,
The Chair of the General Assembly's Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on Ageing, Ambassador Martín García Moritán, Permanent Representative of Argentina to the United Nations, invites non-governmental organizations with ECOSOC Status and previously accredited organizations to the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing, to provide:
Geneva Peace Week 2018 - Building Peace in a Turbulent World 5 - 9.11.2018 |
Geneva Peace Week 2018
5-9 November
This year, Geneva Peace Week emphasizes the urgency of finding peaceful solutions for the growing risks of violent conflict, building on the lessons from history and the needs for future peace-building practice.
Collective security and peace practice represent a rich tapestry of challenges and achievements, as well as devastating failures. Geneva Peace Week reflects on the lessons of a century of liberal internationalism in the service of peace and focuses on the roles that every person, actor and institution can play in building peace and resolving conflict. Awareness of the potentials and pitfalls of these roles is ever more important to build and sustain peace in a turbulent world and to broker the partnerships necessary to address them.
Intercultural Achievement Award 2018 |
IAA 2018 - IDEA Society Obmann Dr. Stefan Stoev, UPF Präsident Peter Haider, Österreichischer Auslandsdienst Referent Jörg Reitmeier mit Award-Gewinnern aus der Ukraine
Bereits zum fünften Mal wurde heuer der vom Außenministerium ins Leben gerufene Intercultural Achievement Award in Porgy & Bess verliehen. Diesmal überreichte Außenministerin Karin Kneissl den Preis für Nachhaltigkeit an ein Projekt aus Mosambik. Botschafter Jörg Wojahn, Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in Wien und Generalsekretär der OSZE, Thomas Greminger, gingen auf die Dialogarbeit ihrer Institutionen ein und übergaben Preise an Projekte aus der Ukraine und Tunesien.
UNICEF Charity Summer Gala 2018 |
IDEA Society Founder & Chaiman Dr. Stefan Stoev attended the UNICEF Summer Gala 2018 in Porto Cervo, Sardegna.
Vernissage: Milan Vukovich - Embodiment |
Exhibition 15.6.2018 - 30.9.2018, Opening hours: 9am - 9pm
Curhaus St. Stephan, Stephansplatz 3/1, 1010 Vienna
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