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UNESCO-Webinar "Unleashing African Youth Innovation and Creativity Potential during and post-COVID-19" - 22.05.2020

The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a period of uncertainty millions of young people in Africa, with schools and academic institutions disrupted, businesses forced to close and exacerbating job uncertainty, with unemployment in the rise. It is important to shed more light on youth in Africa in the middle of this pandemic, and the lead role they take as solution providers in different corners of the continent.

Online briefing on ECOSOC and HLPF - 4.5.2020

H.E. Ms. Susan Eckey, Ambassador for ECOSOC in the Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations in New York, will hold an informal briefing to inform all ECOSOC accredited NGOs and Major Groups and other Stakeholders of the upcoming ECOSOC activities.

Measures at UNOG to address the situation related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak

Dear NGO Representatives,

The United Nations Office at Geneva would like to inform you of the following measures it is taking to address the situation related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, and mitigate the potential spread of the virus. These measures are based on recommendations received from United Nations Headquarters, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Host Country (both federal and cantonal authorities).

The United Nations launches 75th anniversary dialogues

The biggest global conversation on the world's future starts now.

January 1, 2020 saw the launch of the UN75 initiative - the largest, most inclusive conversation on the role of global cooperation in building a better future for all. The initiative will see the UN spark dialogues throughout 2020 in diverse settings across the world.

International Day of Education - 24.1.2020

Symposium Event at the UNESCO Headquarters

In partnership with the CRI (Centre for Research and Interdisciplinarity), UNESCO organises on 24 January 2020 a celebration of the second edition of International Day of Education, a date proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2018 to honour education and its centrality to human well-being and sustainable development.

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