Prepared by the SDG Lab – United Nations Office in Geneva SDG “SO WHAT?” SERIES - Special Edition Investing in People and Nature to accelerate the 2030 Agenda: Sharing best practices to address Zero Hunger (SDG 2), Health (SDG3), Climate Action (SDG 13) This session will address key challenges and potential solutions to improve human and planetary health, and accelerate the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda.
It will start with a keynote speech by the President of Costa Rica, who will present the 2050 decarbonization plan. He will share the best practices as well as the challenges and opportunities that arise when connecting people and nature through a systemic approach to achieve an inclusive and just transition towards low carbon development.
Date and Venue 17 December, 16:00 – 18:00, Council Chamber at the UN Palais of Nations – registration link Welcome and Opening Tatiana Valovaya, Director General of the UN Office in Geneva Keynote Speech His Excellency Carlos Alvarado Quesada, President of Costa Rica Roundtable Discussion with Leaders for People and Nature Leaders from government, business and civil society will share their best practices and discuss the opportunities and challenges that arise when connecting the SDG, Climate, People and Nature, giving examples from Long-Term Strategies for low carbon development, business initiatives and civil society initiatives. Moderator: Mrs. Nadia Isler, Director SDG Lab Speakers: - H.E. Ms. Nazhat Shameem Khan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Fiji to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva - H.E. Marcel Beukeboom, Climate Envoy for the Kingdom of the Netherlands (tbc) - H.E. Mr. Eloi Laourou, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Benin to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva - Mr. Greg S. Garrett, Director, Strategy and Design at ThinkWell - Ms. Diane Holdorf, Managing Director of Food and Nature at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development -Dr. David Nabarro, UN Secretary General Climate Action Summit Facilitator on Nature-Based Solutions; 2018 World Food Prize Winner; Strategic Director, 4SD Closing message on the action agenda for climate, people and nature in 2020: Mr. Nick Bridge, UK (COP26 Presidency), Foreign Secretary’s Special Representative for Climate Change