Executive Committee/ Vereinsvorstand/ Comité directeur
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Dr. Stefan Stoev - Obmann/ Chairman
Gründer der IDEA Society. Ökonom, Philologe und Philanthrop. Interessiert an Kunst, Gesellschaft und interkultureller Bildung.
Founder of the IDEA Society. Economist, philologist and philanthropist. Interested in arts and their influence on society and intercultural education.
Daniel Fuchs, MRICS - Stv. Obmann/ Vice Chairman
Internationaler Unternehmer mit großer Leidenschaft für die Kunst.
Global Entrepreneur with a great passion for Art.
Dr. Gregory Weeks – Schriftführer/ Secretary Internationale Zusammenarbeit/ International Cooperation
Historiker & Wissenschaftler, internationaler Experte in Geschichte und Politikwissenschaften.
Historian & Scientist, International Expert in History and Political Science.
Antoine Karam, MBA - Stv. Schriftführer/ Vice Secretary
Kulturdiplomatie/ Cultural Diplomacy
Ulrike Haslauer - Kassierer/ Treasurer
Leidenschaftliche Unterstützerin von Kunst und Kultur
Passionate Supporter of Art and Culture
Kun Young Park – Stv. Kassierer/ Vice Treasurer
Leidenschaftlicher Förderer von Kunst & Kultur
Passionate Supporter of Art & Culture
Mag. Vesselina Zagralova – Kuratorin/Curator
Künstlerin und internationale Kunstknennerin
Artist and international Art Expert
Yoshiko Anne Pammer, BA – Curator/International Programs
Kunsthistorikerin, Weltmensch mit Leidenschaft zur Kunst, Bildung und Kultur.
History of Art graduate and global citizen, with a passion for art, education, culture and bringing balance into society.
Ambassadors/ Botschafter/ Ambassadeur
Christoph Bathelt, MA – International Expert
IDEA Society Hon. Ambassador
Camilla Habsburg-Lothringen – International Expert
IDEA Society Hon. Ambassador
Leonid Viprinski – International Expert
IDEA Society Hon. Ambassador for CEE, Russia & CIS
Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Kulmitzer – International Expert
IDEA Society Hon. Ambassador for Switzerland
Marcela Garces Espejo – International Expert
IDEA Society Hon. Ambassador for Latin America
Iva Ionova – Music
IDEA Society Hon. Ambassador for Music, based in Vienna